Dear all,
We have been speaking with John Dickson from Green Energy Advisors as there is funding available for improvements to the energy efficiency of properties.
You can find details of the energy performance certificate of your property at
Green Energy Advisory works with Local authorities, social housing providers, charities and private landlords across the UK to upgrade their properties using a blend of government and private funding. Green Energy Advisory have private funding available to install renewable energy systems including air source heat pumps, Solar PV & Battery Storage amongst other technologies free of charge into qualifying properties as well as access to government funding and grants for insulation and heating system upgrades.
John Dickson, who Colin and Michelle have worked with many times over the past decade is personally responsible for projects across the UK. He has knowledge and access to :
• Exclusive private funding for ASHP’s, Solar PV & Battery storage….exclusive to their partner network only
• AoR Registered investor
• New fully funded heat pump package coming to the market in April 2022 which will replace our current fully funded AoR heat pump offering when the RHI is no longer available.
• Domestic PPA priced at 11p – 13.5p available for all solar and battery installs…..exclusive to our partner network only
• Direct access to Eco3 funding at the best rates on the market which allows us to complete measures that other companies wouldn’t consider
• Transitioning to Eco4 funding with all measures delivered in house.
• Direct access to LAD2 funding (Local authority decarbonisation fund) gives us an additional funding stream for all insulation measures as well as ASHP’s & Solar PV
• We have Direct HUG ( Home Upgrade Grants ) funding starting in January 2022…this is only available in England.
• We have a nationwide partner network that allows us to install large volumes of all measures whilst keeping full control as they work under our accreditations and are fully vetted and audited regularly.
• Our network is currently working with numerous social housing providers, Large scale landlords and housing charities throughout the UK and as such we have the experience to service large scale projects as well as one off installations to owner
There is also a export guarantee of 5p per kw on the electricity generated from the solar and not used by the house hold and put back in to the grid, this is paid to the property owner.
The Glasgow Property Letting Team have been going through all the properties with John and hopefully will have some funding updates for you shortly.
Kindest Regards
Robin Moiffett
Property Consultant

17 Elmbank Street
G2 4PB
0141 221 3990

Registration number LARN1903009
VAT : 174415411
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