Dear all
People affected by coronavirus who are concerned about paying their rent can claim Universal Credit from the Department for Work and Pensions which includes support for housing costs, if eligible. The UK Government has introduced some temporary changes to make this easier. The following website provides further information on applying for Universal Credit:
The Scottish Association of Landlords have released guidance on helping tenants pay rent, and COVID-19 information
we have been advised that If a tenant is getting Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, but still can’t afford their housing costs, they may be eligible for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP). Further information on DHPs and how to apply is available at:
Tenants may also be able to get support through the Scottish Welfare Fund. Further information on how to apply is available on:
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Kindest Regards
Michelle O’Donnell
Branch Manager
0141 221 3990

17 Elmbank Street
G2 4PB

Registration number LARN1903009
VAT : 174415411